Medical Students

Tuition at Hopkins is highly competitive with other private schools. In determining financial aid, 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院有两个主要目标:保持学生的借贷水平相对统一, 并确保奖学金资金流向那些来自最贫困背景的人.

A group of medical students stand together.

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The Process

所有通过财政援助办公室管理的联邦和机构奖励都是基于证明的经济需求. To determine financial need, 学生需要完成联邦资助的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)和机构奖学金资助的CSS档案申请(需要家长信息)。. 财政援助办公室的意图是以公平和一致的方式发放这些资金.

Students are required to complete the FAFSA application process each year. 继续学习的学生在第一年之后将不需要完成CSS档案申请. Therefore, 我们鼓励学生及时完成申请程序,以确保及早确定资助资格.

Award Package

符合条件的学生将获得奖学金和贷款作为奖励计划的一部分. Students are eligible to request additional loan funds if needed.

Financial Aid Application Instructions: Medical Student (PDF)

What Determines Federal Fund Eligibility?

Students are considered independent for federal student aid, which includes student loans and work-study. 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院参与直接贷款威廉D. Ford Unsubsidized student loan program, the Federal Direct Grad Plus Program and the Federal Work-study Program.  在确定经济需要时,只考虑学生和/或配偶的收入.  你必须是美国公民或永久居民才能申请联邦财政援助.

Students must follow this process each year:

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid  (FAFSA)  
  • 如果选择联邦认证,提供联邦认证文件
  • Meet priority award date of March 1, 2024. For Maryland residents only: 马里兰州高等教育委员会延长了马里兰州财政援助的截止日期,以提交2024-2025年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) June 1, 2024.  However, students are encouraged to submit the FAFSA by the优先截止日期为2024年3月1日,在2024年4月15日之前收到资格通知.
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid

What Determines Scholarship Eligibility?

Although students are considered independent for the federal aid programs, 无论年龄或婚姻状况如何,奖学金都需要父母的信息.

New students must follow this process once in their first year:

  • Complete the CSS Profile Application
  • 提供上一年父母的联邦纳税申报表和通过IDOC提交的W2表格
  • Parent non-tax filing form (if applicable)
  • Complete Sibling/Spouse Enrollment Verification (if applicable)
  • Meet priority award date of March 15th or 2 weeks after being admitted


**Sellinger grant information for Maryland residents**

Are you eligible for financial aid?

所有申请医学院的学生都可以申请经济援助. However, students must meet certain citizenship requirements, be in good academic standing, and complete all required application forms for consideration of aid.


How is the Award Package Determined?

First, 学生和家庭的捐款是根据FAFSA和CSS档案申请的完成情况计算的. Each student is then assigned a Cost of Attendance (COA) budget. 计算出的家庭贡献从预算中减去,以确定学生的“未满足需求”. The Financial Aid Office will then award the student, through a combination of federal and institutional program funds, to meet the unmet financial need.

Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends, 霍普金斯大学可以求助于250多个个人奖学金和贷款基金,以准备一揽子计划,帮助渴望进入约翰霍普金斯医学院的学生将他们的梦想变为现实.

Prospective Student

你必须是美国公民或永久居民才能申请医学院的联邦财政援助. 请参阅申请财政援助的学年申请/说明.



除了完成FAFSA和CSS档案申请,以确定援助资格, 第一次入学的学生需要在任何联邦贷款资金发放之前完成在线贷款入学咨询会议和联邦直接贷款主本票.


Use the checklist below for completing all requirements:

Continuing Student

You must be a United States citizen,  永久居民或其他符合条件的非公民在医学院申请联邦财政援助.  Students must apply for federal financial aid  each year.

Students may complete the FAFSA applications beginning October 1.


Medical Students: Non-U.S. Residents

经济援助资金适用于所有当前和新录取的非美国居民医科学生. 财政援助将以机构奖学金的形式提供. Students may also apply for private loan financing through ELM Select.

协助美国以外的医科学生在约翰霍普金斯大学学习, 约翰霍普金斯国际医学院为创建JHM国际奖学金项目提供了资金. Its aim is to help nurture the next generation of health care leaders, 此外,还有助于减轻非美国居民学生在试图获得医学教育资金时可能面临的经济负担.

Details on Applying